Homo Sovieticus
Is the Soviet period past history? Or is it always present, just on standby? Will it fade with a generational shift or can we expect a new Soviet Era?
Thirty years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, home to 293 million people, we can observe the return of the rhetoric that favours strong, totalitarian personalities. Experienced director Ivo Briedis and journalist Rita Rudusa, both born in the USSR, are on their quest to explore the phenomenon of “Homo Sovieticus” and to discover whether a human being of the totalitarian mindset has specific geographical boundaries. They travel from Latvia to Russia, Armenia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic and Germany interviewing the experts and common people to find the answers. An interesting deconstruction and a psychological portrait of a totalitarian mind through the eyes of the last Soviet and first post-Soviet generation.
Latvia, Lithuania, Czech Republic | 2021 | 70 min
DIRECTOR: Ivo Briedis
PRODUCTION: Elina Gediņa Ducena, Gints Grube – Mistrus Media; Monoklis, Frame Films
CINEMATOGRAPHY: Martins Jurevics
EDITING: Tomas Elsiks, Toms Krauklis
MUSIC: Martynas Bialobzeskis
Thursday 21.4. / 15:00h / ZAAL 2 & Friday 22.4. / 15:00 / ZAAL 2
Special guest: Director Ivo Briedis
One World International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival, Czech Republic 2021 – World premiere