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    • New Talents Open Call
      Eastern Neighbours Film Festival (ENFF) began in The Netherlands in 2008 with the idea to offer Dutch and international audiences a unique glimpse into the cinema of their neighbors from Eastern and Southern Europe. This annual event presents the most recent, exciting, and thought‐provoking films, from countries with small, but often powerful film industries, that… Read more: New Talents Open Call
    • ENFF 2023 On Demand!
      Unable To attend the festival in person? No problem! From November 27th to December 3rd, we’re thrilled to bring you a curated selection of this year’s films available for online viewing! Catch our captivating Opening Film Ivan’s Land, or the touching Closing Film Seventh Heaven. Or explore a collection of shorts from the New Talents Competition! Follow along… Read more: ENFF 2023 On Demand!
    • What’s up in Slovak Cinema? A conversation with Monika Lostakova
      We talked with Monika Lošťáková about contemporary Slovak cinema.
    • ENFF and the Eastern European Film Festival Network!
      The Eastern European Film Festival Network brings together five film festivals dedicated to promoting and showcasing Eastern European cinema, alongside one partner organisation.
    • Masterclasses
      Through these masterclasses we approach two memory in film from different angles: memories from a personal or collective recollection through archive material.
    • Work in Progress
      In Work in Progress, emerging filmmakers and artists will present their works in development to the audience and engage in discussions with Dutch experts.
    • Festival Timetable Available!
    • Check out the catalogue for our 2023 edition!
    • Music at ENFF
      Every year, ENFF brings special musical guests who bring beauty to the program and further represent the rich cultures of their countries to a Dutch audience.
    • Film Marathon
      Join us for the Film Marathon, a new concept in which we merge two components, Short Films, Big Stories, and New Talents Competition into a whole-day screening of short films!

My Own Private War

DirectorLidija Zelovic
ProducerMargie Monfils – IKONdocs
WriterLidija Zelovic, Rogier Kappers
EditorAlexander Goekjian
CameraAlexander Goekjian, Marinus Groothof, Lidija Zelovic, Tatjana Bozic
ScreeningSa. 29 Oct. 20:00 hrs.
Length57 min
CountyThe Netherlands,

One of the most honest and exciting films that deals with the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, told from the personal experience of the filmmaker.


Sarajevo born filmmaker revisits her most traumatic period in life. What happens when collective trauma enters a family? A story told from the personal point of view of the filmmaker who experienced the war in many layers: intimate, family related, as a mother and a daughter, as a professional, as a world citizen who tries to understand odds of nationalism and hatred. Is there any wisdom gained from what one has observed and encountered? Lidija’s film confronts us with challenging questions. What is left of each of us once we got displaced? What happens to a family long after a war is over? Can one ensure that their children don’t have to carry their burden? In this very personal documentary, the director makes an inner journey through her memories, places and people she loves as she tries to leave her past behind her.

Een van de meest oprechte en opwindende films over de oorlog in Bosnië en Herzegovina, verteld vanuit de persoonlijke ervaring van de filmmaker.


De in Sarajevo geboren filmmaker haalt de meest traumatische periode in haar leven op. Wat gebeurt er als een groot trauma een gezin raakt? De filmmaker vertelt een persoonlijk verhaal over de oorlog die zij in vele opzichten heeft meegemaakt: intiem, in familieverband, als een moeder en een dochter, als een vakvrouw, als een wereldburger die probeert om de overmacht van nationalisme en haat te begrijpen. Heeft het haar een beter mens gemaakt? Lidija’s film confronteert ons met uitdagende vragen. Wat gebeurt er met ons als we van ons leven worden weggerukt? Wat zijn de effecten op een gezin, ook lang nadat de oorlog voorbij is? Kunnen de kinderen worden ontzien van de lasten ervan? In deze zeer persoonlijke documentaire maakt de regisseur een innerlijke reis door haar herinneringen. Ze bezoekt de plaatsen van vroeger en mensen van wie ze houdt terwijl ze haar verleden achter haar probeert te laten.