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Old Gold – Forbidden Film


Friday, 24 November at 19:00 hours


The cult film The Cremator (Juraj Herz, 1969), which was banned during the communist regime, is considered one of the best films ever made in Czechoslovakia. This black comedy is set in Central Europe and revolves around a deranged cremator who sets out to save the world.

Czechoslovak New Wave director Juraj Herz based his grotesque psychological horror masterpiece on the perspective of its deranged protagonist. Karel Kopfrkingl, brilliantly played by Rudolf Hrusinsky, starts as a model father and dedicated employee of a Prague crematorium and turns into a man willing to sacrifice everything, including his closest family, for the sake of a degenerate ideology. The film has a unique visual style developed by its cinematographer Stanislav Milota.

Special Guest: Prof. Petr Kopecky