Pitch of 5 Work in Progress Films
Most film festivals’ industry events present work in progress to film professionals and decision makers. ENFF wants to diversify these pitch sessions and provide the possibility for filmmakers to directly collaborate with their potential audience. After all, films are intended for viewers. During this unique event, filmmakers will be able to pitch their current projects, to the audience of ENFF and get direct feedback in a lively and constructive dialogue. We bring to the spotlight five new and exciting film projects in the production stage, directed by filmmakers of the Eastern and South-Eastern European origin living in the Netherlands, as well as one Dutch filmmaker dealing with a topic closely related to the SEE region.
Lidija Zelović, Bosnian/Dutch filmmaker, delves into a personal story in her new tragi comical film essay HOME ABROAD. The Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian and yet Dutch film director Zelović tries to reveal/investigate what makes a migrant life so unique while exploring this universal struggle of identity and community: is true integration possible or even something we should strive for?
Stefan Pavlović, a recent graduate from the Master of Film program in Amsterdam, born in the Netherlands to parents from Bosnia. He will present his personal documentary in development LOOKING FOR HORSES, which is about a friendship in which spoken language is not the main form of communication. Can the camera that moves between us, like verbal language, be a medium through which we practice intimacy?
THE CHANNEL, by Eliane Esther Bots, a filmmaker from the Hague, explores the experiences of three interpreters from the International Criminal Tribunal of the former Yugoslavia in The Hague and their position as a channel between speakers and listeners, witnesses and defendants, judges and attendees, and the confrontation of their own memories and emotions with the stories of opposing parties in the conflict.
During her four years living in Amsterdam, Kristina Daurova, a Russian filmmaker decides to approach her Moroccan neighbours to get to know the community. In her THE MOROCCAN TEA (working title) she tries to connect with the women in her neighbourhood over tea and conversation.
Andreea Dumitriu, Rotterdam based filmmaker from Romania, explores in BEYOND RITUALS how waiting becomes a religious experience on the streets of the Romanian city Iasi. Once a year, during the Saint Parascheva Pilgrimage, few hundred thousand pilgrims queue for up to 20 hours to pray at her shrine. It is believed the Saint makes miracles happen. A film reflecting on the desire for miracles in our lives and in Romanian society.
Pitch your project and brainstorm with the ENFF on Friday 8 November at 14:00 hours in Filmhuis Den Haag. This screening is offered free of charge. It is necessary to reserve a ticket in advance via info@enff.nl