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    • NTC Award Ceremony
      New Talent Competition gives young filmmakers from Central, Eastern and Southern Europe the opportunity to present their outstanding debut or second film to the public. Join us on Sunday 1 December at 19h
    • Music at ENFF
      The Eastern Neighbours Film Festival welcomes special musical guests each year to enrich our program. For this 16th edition, we’re thrilled to present two talented young musicians: guitarist Antonio Peršak (CR) and violinist İdil Yunkuş (TR). Together, they will perform a traditional Balkan dance and folk song, highlighting the beauty of this music through the… Read more: Music at ENFF
    • Masterclass with Janez Burger
      This masterclass presents a unique opportunity to explore Burger's distinct storytelling style, genre use, and exploration of contemporary social issues. Join us on Saturday 30 November at 17h - Room 5
    • Panel Discussion: Exploration of individual and collective memory in cinema
      Panel Discussion: Exploration of individual and collective memory in cinema on Friday 29 November at 18h


Hundreds of thousands of bunkers mark Albania’s landscape. Like poisonous mushrooms, these traumatic structures made of concrete were symbols of the country’s past Soviet isolationism and communist paranoia. And they are everywhere to be found as a symbol of the strange co-existence of the past and the present times.


From 1944 to 1990 Albania suffered from the dictatorship of Hoxha, which turned the country into an extremely isolationist, Stalinist, anti-revisionist and communist state. At that time, the communists built 750 000 bunkers which are still to be found nowadays everywhere: in cities, yards, cemeteries and playgrounds across the country. Some are ruins, some have been fairly creatively re-purposed by the Albanian citizens. They became locations for pizzerias, bars, museums and hostels, churches or tattoo studios. In Luigjina Shkupa film, however, they are also a symbol reflecting on what is left of the communist dictatorship.

Germany, Albania | 2021 | 29 min


PRODUCTION: Luigjina Shkupa – HFF Munchen


EDITING: Sophie Oldenbourg

MUSIC: Karim Shelby

SCREENING: Saturday 26 November / 15:45 hours / Zaal 6


Director’s statement

Hundreds of thousands of bunkers scar Albania’s landscape. Like traumatic toadstools, the concrete symbols of Soviet isolationism and communist paranoia pop up everywhere, hiding in plain sight in cities and cemeteries, playgrounds and pastures. The past and present co-exist in physical and psychic space as the bunkers are forgotten as ruins, repurposed as churches and transformed into tattoo parlours. It is anti-historical nonsense to erase the past. Monuments are created to remember what was considered the good of a time. When times change, the same monuments change their meaning and show the borders or the Shame of the same era. If they are deleted, mistakes are forgotten and the possibility of repetition increases accordingly.

Director’s bio

Luigjina Shkupa was born in 1991 in Albania, but she grew up in Italy. She did her first studies between Italy and Belgium in “Informatics and multimedia science”. She has been studying since 2016 in the HFF Munich, in the documentary department.

Festivals & Awards (selection)

Dokufest, Prizren 2021 | MakeDOX, 2021 | Hot Docs, Toronto 2022