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    • New Talents Open Call
      Eastern Neighbours Film Festival (ENFF) began in The Netherlands in 2008 with the idea to offer Dutch and international audiences a unique glimpse into the cinema of their neighbors from Eastern and Southern Europe. This annual event presents the most recent, exciting, and thought‐provoking films, from countries with small, but often powerful film industries, that… Read more: New Talents Open Call
    • ENFF 2023 On Demand!
      Unable To attend the festival in person? No problem! From November 27th to December 3rd, we’re thrilled to bring you a curated selection of this year’s films available for online viewing! Catch our captivating Opening Film Ivan’s Land, or the touching Closing Film Seventh Heaven. Or explore a collection of shorts from the New Talents Competition! Follow along… Read more: ENFF 2023 On Demand!
    • What’s up in Slovak Cinema? A conversation with Monika Lostakova
      We talked with Monika Lošťáková about contemporary Slovak cinema.
    • ENFF and the Eastern European Film Festival Network!
      The Eastern European Film Festival Network brings together five film festivals dedicated to promoting and showcasing Eastern European cinema, alongside one partner organisation.
    • Masterclasses
      Through these masterclasses we approach two memory in film from different angles: memories from a personal or collective recollection through archive material.
    • Work in Progress
      In Work in Progress, emerging filmmakers and artists will present their works in development to the audience and engage in discussions with Dutch experts.
    • Festival Timetable Available!
    • Check out the catalogue for our 2023 edition!
    • Music at ENFF
      Every year, ENFF brings special musical guests who bring beauty to the program and further represent the rich cultures of their countries to a Dutch audience.
    • Film Marathon
      Join us for the Film Marathon, a new concept in which we merge two components, Short Films, Big Stories, and New Talents Competition into a whole-day screening of short films!

Strudel Sisters

DirectorPeter Hegedus, Jaina Kalifa
ProducerPeter Hegedus, Jaina Kalifa – AEL Research Griffith University, Griffith Film School
WriterPeter Hegedus, Jaina Kalifa
EditorJaina Kalifa
CameraPeter Hegedus, Jaina Kalifa
ScreeningFriday 11 November at 16:00h & 17:00h / Sunday 13 November at 19:00h
Length7 min

One of the most charming yet serious short films of the last season. European Premiere


A deeply personal family story about the delicate art of making traditional Hungarian strudel. Ilona and Erzsebet are two elderly sisters who have baked traditional Hungarian strudel together all their lives. The film explores the quirks of their enduring friendship and how their family survived during the extreme poverty of the communist era. It offers a deeply personal insight into the sisters’ family life, including a strong connection to their dear mother who taught them everything they know. It also provides a window into the history and local traditions of the small Hungarian town of Tura. While we learn about the art of strudel-making, the real discovery of this film are the two big-hearted women who, despite their differences, can’t live without each other.

Een van de meest charmante en oprechte korte films van het afgelopen seizoen.


Een zeer persoonlijk familieverhaal over de delicate kunst van het maken van traditionele Hongaarse strudel. Ilona en Erzsebet zijn twee zussen op leeftijd die al hun hele leven samen traditionele Hongaarse strudel bakken. Deze film onderzoekt de eigenaardigheden van hun vriendschap en hoe hun gezin overleefde tijdens de extreme armoede in het communistische tijdperk. Het biedt een zeer persoonlijk inzicht in het gezinsleven van de zusters en de sterke band met hun lieve moeder die al haar kennis aan haar dochters doorgaf. Het biedt ook een kijkje in de geschiedenis en de lokale tradities van de kleine Hongaarse stad Tura. Terwijl we de kneepjes van het strudelmaken leren, kijken we naar een verhaal over twee liefdevolle vrouwen die, ondanks hun verschillen, niet zonder elkaar kunnen leven.