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    • NTC Award Ceremony
      New Talent Competition gives young filmmakers from Central, Eastern and Southern Europe the opportunity to present their outstanding debut or second film to the public. Join us on Sunday 1 December at 19h
    • Music at ENFF
      The Eastern Neighbours Film Festival welcomes special musical guests each year to enrich our program. For this 16th edition, we’re thrilled to present two talented young musicians: guitarist Antonio Peršak (CR) and violinist İdil Yunkuş (TR). Together, they will perform a traditional Balkan dance and folk song, highlighting the beauty of this music through the… Read more: Music at ENFF
    • Masterclass with Janez Burger
      This masterclass presents a unique opportunity to explore Burger's distinct storytelling style, genre use, and exploration of contemporary social issues. Join us on Saturday 30 November at 17h - Room 5
    • Panel Discussion: Exploration of individual and collective memory in cinema
      Panel Discussion: Exploration of individual and collective memory in cinema on Friday 29 November at 18h


DirectorJasmijn Schrofer
ProducerRianne Ebeling – HJE Wenckebachweg 2698
EditorEmiel Nuninga
CameraMarjoke Haagsma
ScreeningFr. 11 Nov. 15:15 hrs.
Su. 13 Nov. 21:00 hrs.
Length17 min
CountyThe Netherlands

A visual poem of a journey towards enlightenment. Recipient of important prizes such as Cinedans Festival Jury Award, the KNF-prize of the Dutch Film Critics, the VPRO Documentary Prize and the Wildcard Prize.


Called by a mystic dream, Derya finds herself among souls steeped in the Islamic Sufi tradition. They join in hypnotic movements and stirring rhythms, dissolving into an ocean of silence. The filmmaker Jasmijn Schrofer is a graduate of The School for Young Talent in The Hague, a joint venture of the Dutch Royal Arts Academy and the Dutch Royal Conservatory. She loves documentary film, dance and the soul of the dancer. The impressive list of the film festivals where this film was screened and awarded include Sheffield Doc/Fest, 2016 – Audience Award for Short Doc, Huesca International Film Festival, 2016 – Special Mention, Tel-Aviv International Student Film Festival, 2016 – Best Editing, Loikka Dance Film Festival, 2016 – Student Award, New Horizons International Film Festival, 2016 and Odense International Film Festival, 2016.

Een visueel gedicht over een reis naar verlichting. Won belangrijke prijzen zoals Cinedans Festival Jury Award, de KNF-prijs van de Nederlandse Filmkritiek, de VPRO Documentaire Prijs en de Wildcard Prize.


Geroepen door een mystieke droom sluit Derya zich aan bij een groep mensen die opgaat in de islamitische Soefi-traditie. Ze laten zich gaan in hypnotische bewegingen en bezielende ritmes, oplossend in een oceaan van stilte. Filmmaker Jasmijn Schrofer is afgestudeerd aan de School voor Jong Talent in Den Haag, een samenwerking van de Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten en het Koninklijk Conservatorium. Ze houdt van documentairefilms, dans en de ziel van de danser. In de indrukwekkende lijst van filmfestivals waar deze film werd vertoond en bekroond staan onder meer Sheffield Doc/Fest 2016 – publieksprijs voor Korte Doc, Huesca International Film Festival 2016 – Special Mention, Tel-Aviv International Student Film Festival 2016 – Best Editing, Loikka Dance Film Festival 2016 – Student Award, New Horizons International Film Festival, 2016 en Odense International Film Festival 2016.